Saturday, July 27, 2013

Week 3: EOC - Smoking Ethics

When talking about smoking advertisement ethics I begin to wonder how gullible people really are? I chose two advertisements that I thought stood out to me, the first ad is telling readers that "your dentist approves of this brand" when in actuality your dentist your never in their right mind  would advertise you to smoke. In the second article It takes about a smile and you smile while smoking Chesterfield cigarettes, Well Cigarettes speed up your heart rate so maybe it does make you smile, but its a proven fact that smoking causes yellowing of the teeth, so while your smiling just remember that. I feel as if ethics has nothing to do with advertising is how people interpreted the ads. Because for people who are worried what their dentist think of smoking and they see the first ad, they might start. Or in the second ad if people were insecure about finding a significant other then they might result to smoking due to the fact that in the ad the couple are bonding over a cigarette. I just think people need to pull there head out of the clouds and research. Know what's good for your body. Don't feed into the advertisements. I love looking at advertising however I'm not going to go out and buy everything that I see an ad for. People need to be smarter with their choice and what they allow themselves to believe.

Week 3: EOC - Rolling Stone

With Every article comes controversy; however not every article is publically broadcasted that way. But then again not every new companies post a picture of a terrorist bomber. Rolling stone magazine published a magazine cover where one of the Boston bombers was front and center in a total normal picture. This raised a lot confusion, anger, and rath among readers. I think that the cover did exactly its purpose, it got people to feel something, it got people talking, and it got people to read. When reading the article on I saw mainly too rational points that the article brought up and they both are in reference to the picture. Just the picture. Earlier that year the New York Times posted the same picture and this is what the article had to say “But there was no backlash against the Times, because everyone knows the Times is a news organization. Not everyone knows that about Rolling Stone. So that's your entire controversy right there” and “This brings us to point No. 2, the idea that the cover photo showed Tsarnaev to be too nice-looking, too much like a sweet little boy.” These were the big two topics that created the most controversy. Written in the article by rolling stone the reporter learned a little about the bombers life. Said by his friends, he was totally normal, he liked girls, played soccer, and smoked a lot of weed. But even his friends didn’t know his family, had never been to his house, there was something always a little off about him.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Week 2 EOC: Ethics in advertising

When is advertising I believe leave your ethics at the door. When working for advertising you need to do all that you can do to sell that product. When your getting the job done then that's when you know your doing something right. I mean I don't support things that are inhumane, racial, or demeaning to an, age, race, gender. I believe those things go unspoken as a law as an American citizen. As for the most part, do what gets the job done whether its "ethical" or not. Everyone has to do things in there they are not proud of but, you have to do things to make up for the bad. Work is work, you shouldn't let it interfere with your daily life.

Week 1 EOC: My Voice

Fashion. Fashion is a way people speak without words, fashion is a way to communicate by looking, and Fashion describes emotion. Fashion is defined as anything and everything, and that is why fashion is my passion. Every girl dreams to work with big corporations like Nordstrom or Bendles or work with huge designers such as Marc Jacobs or Vera Wang. Well that dream was mine and I am making it a reality. I am able to put outfits together with limited options. I can make something out of nothing. This is creativity and creativity is what’s demanded in this field of work. Preparing for this I am undergoing hours of studying and months of training to be able to master this form of art and call myself a professional. I am studying the ins and outs of this business, to one day make myself an asset to those designers I look up to, with the chance of maybe one day I’ll be good enough to work for them. I hope to pursue every opportunity I receive in the fashion industry and make myself the fashion expert I know I can be.

Week 2 EOC: Pinochet

While Pinochet was in charge he created a camp that was strictly made to torture civilians. From the article I read on Pinochet targeted women mostly as said in the article, ““The women were punished for being women. Sexual abuse, in some cases rape, and the language they used,” Pérez said. She added that some women, like herself, lost a child during their time in captivity.” Pinochet was from a military background and served from 1973-1990 with a military based dictatorship. Some of the torture tactics that Pinochet used were inhumane. “Pérez told The Santiago Times. “Another technique was called ‘los submarinos.’ They held your head in a tank of water, but with excrement and urine. They also had dry ‘submarinos,’ where they held a plastic bag around your neck to suffocate you.”” So after Pinochet did all this, wouldn’t you be scared of him, be scared to turn your back on him, well the citizens of chili when asked if they would reelect Pinochet, majority of them voted no, after this Pinochet stepped down after a good chunk of the population Voted no to reelect him. The way that the people did that was by making a campaign dedicated to showing the people how great and happy there life will be once they decide to vote. By voting they are being a part of something that could possibly change the way the country is. Rene wanted to show fellow citizens that happiness is coming. He wanted people to believe that people can change the way the country is ran and managed. By winning this campaign he was able to pull Pinochet out of office and was able to in store faith back in the minds and souls of the fellow chili citizens. They were unbelievably in shock when the votes came in. It was outstanding that they were able to take down the chili government. Something that is now famous in history.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Week 1 EOC: Volkswagen Lemon

Volkswagen Lemon
                In the mid 1960’s Volkswagen was going through tough times while trying to sell the new Volkswagen beetle. Consumers thought it to be small, ugly and the area where it was constructed was unethical. Seeming as WWll was only 15 years prior; Americans had a hard time buying a car that was made on a Nazis plant. People didn’t want to relive that nightmare. However; Volkswagen with the help of a fabulous ad campaign reached out and with each flaw they had a reverse effect for the positive. Yes, the car was small, but small was in, small was popular. “Two famous print ads illustrate this. One featured a small picture of the car with the headline "Think small." Text highlighted the advantages of driving the small Beetle vs. a big car.”  This was just one of the many ad slogans associated with the beetle. The main ad that everyone was thriving about was the “lemon” ad.  This ad redirected the way people thought about advertising.